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Looking back…2024 Garden Delights

Speaker’s Series

Dr. Simon Gilroy

Professor - Department of Botany at the University of Wisconsin-Madison since 2007. His work focuses on how plants sense the world around them. 

Are My Plants Listening to Me?

Thursday, February 27 - 7:00 PM (Zoom)


Plants are amazing. They can even survive a Wisconsin winter! But how much do plants ‘know’ about the world around them? Do plants ‘count’ (yes)? Can they ‘tell’ the time (yes), ‘feel’ you are touching them (yes), or even ‘smell’ that you are mowing your lawn (yes). They can also ‘hear’ the sound of a caterpillar attack, but are they listening to you?


In this talk we will explore these amazing sensory events using time lapse imaging alongside some of the latest visualization techniques used by plant scientists. We will literally see just how sensitive plants really are.

Plant Sale.png

Mark Your Calendars: Plant Sale May 17

Ozaukee County Fairgrounds, Cedarburg


Look what’s growing at our local libraries!

Winter is the BEST time to catch up on your reading. Check out these libraries for garden
and plant related books including a huge selection of gardening books for children.

Ozaukee Master Gardeners are state-certified Master Gardeners. We partner with the UW-Madison Extension to provide research-based horticulture information, educational opportunities, and engender a love of gardening in Ozaukee County residents. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing access to gardening resources, educational programs, projects,  and special events.

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Ozaukee Master Gardeners | PO Box 592, 1817 Highland Drive | Grafton, WI 53024 |

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