In Our Community - Projects
Ozaukee Master Gardener volunteers donate thousands of hours annually to project gardens. These projects reflect OzMG's mission to provide research-based information and promote responsible garden practices. Most of our projects are easily visible and accessible to the public. It is in providing a bit of unexpected color, a pleasing design, or the donating of fresh produce that we give back to our community.
OzMGs look for projects to further our mission. If you have an idea for a horticulture project with an educational focus, volunteers may possibly help with, please fill out the Project Request form. Objectives at the heart of every project are, is the project educational and enjoyable for all involved. Given we are a 100% volunteer organization, we may not have enough volunteers to help. Projects we don't generally accept are landscape design, garden maintenance, and perpetual care.

Advocates of Ozaukee Co.
Volunteers plant and maintain numerous gardens at the shelter in support of the healing process for abuse survivors and at the same time create a calm setting for staff.
A colorful, textured herb walkway leads clients to their new, temporary home. Master gardener volunteers maintain this welcoming entry during the spring, summer, and fall. We also take responsibility for several other gardens on the property. Advocates protects the privacy and safety of its clients. The OzMG gardens are not open to the public and we do not publish the address.
Kuhefuss House, Cedarburg
The Cedarburg Cultural Center’s Kuhefuss House Museum is located in the heart of Cedarburg’s downtown National Historic District. This 1849 residence, home to five generations of one of Cedarburg’s oldest families, is one of the most significant buildings in Cedarburg.
OzMGs tend a typical family garden and grounds in the back of the home. Visitors will see a kitchen garden near the back porch and be invited to wander through the extensive backyard flower beds.

Lasata Senior Living Campus, Cedarburg
Lasata is a Native American word meaning “place of peace”. This is the thought that drives OzMG's work at Lasata, a rehab and extended stay care center for patients whose injuries or illnesses require nursing care. Hospice care is provided as well.
The entry ways and restful seating areas are tended by OzMG volunteers, who spend up to 1000 hours a year planting, weeding, and watering. Volunteers also provide hands-on sessions for patients and their families, giving them comfort in planting vegetables in raised beds outside or in the greenhouse.
Light Station & Museum, Port Washington
In 1849, a light tower was erected on top the north bluff overlooking downtown. Re-built in 1860, the historic light station includes the lighthouse with lantern room atop the modified school house design and keeper’s living quarters.
OzMG volunteers tend the gardens on the grounds of the Light Station beautifying them with pollinator, native, and perennial plants.

Ozaukee Food Alliance, Saukville
Ozaukee Food Alliance is a non-profit organization providing warm meals, groceries, school supplies, and support to families in need in Ozaukee County. Today, the Alliance serves over 400 families a month and help over 750 families a year.
OzMG volunteers maintain hydroponic
Triangle Garden, Port Washington
In 2015, Port Washington’s Triangle Garden (intersection of E. Jackson & N. Franklin streets) was a weedy patch of ground on a traffic island separating turn lanes. A lone spruce tree stood there.
Today the space is a riot of color beautifying Port’s business district. The Triangle Garden has been a core project of Ozaukee Master Gardeners since 2016. In 2017, Port Washington Chamber of Commerce honored OzM’s efforts with a special Beautification Award.

USS Liberty Memorial Public Library, Grafton
The OzMG project at Grafton’s library is relatively small but packs in a lot of color. OzMG volunteers maintain entryway garden plots that include spring bulbs and perennials.
Washington Co. Community Gardens,
West Bend
The Washington County Community Gardens (WCCG) comprise the only OzMG core project that is located outside our home county.
In 2008, a large city lot was converted to small garden plots tended by interested residents. It has become a productive endeavor, yearly producing an estimated 10,000 pounds of food with some of the bounty being donated to local food pantries. ​The property also maintains active bee hives.

Webster Middle School - Green Team,
The “Green Team” club (students 6-8th grade) focuses on exploring the world of plants and animals and creating a sustainable, “green” school environment. One of its main activities is to plant, maintain, and harvest veggies from the Webster Garden. OzMG’s help students research sustainable and environmentally-friendly ways to grow food and use energy wisely.
Numerous activities teach students about “green” things including: field trips relating to agri-science concepts, hydroponic gardening (Flex Farm), cooking with veggies, working with ”Garden Sprouts” summer class for youngsters, and spearheading the ”Green & Healthy” school initiative.