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Contact Us
Got a question about our local
Ozaukee Master Gardener program? 
Send us an email!

We are an ALL volunteer organization.

Your patience is appreciated as it may take a while for us to respond to an email.

Looking for an expert advice for a garden question?


Ask an expert at the Wisconsin Horticulture - Division of Extension office. Your question will be answered by an Extension staff member or a trained Master Gardener. 

Project Request

Ozaukee Master Gardeners look for projects to further our mission. If you have an idea for a horticulture project OzMG volunteers may possibly help with, please fill out the Project Request form. At the heart of every project are the objectives that it will be both educational and enjoyable for all involved. 

Given we are a 100% volunteer organization, we may not have enough volunteers to help. Projects we don't generally accept are landscape design, garden maintenance, and perpetual care.

Apply for a Scholarship

A main mission of Ozaukee Master Gardeners is education. We are pleased to provide scholarships for students preparing for a horticulture-related degree. Each year, OzMG will award one $2,000 scholarship  to a graduating high school senior or current college student pursing a degree related to horticulture and whose primary address is in Ozaukee County.

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